The world of work has changed significantly. Spending your entire career in the same company and performing the same tasks day after day is a thing of the past. Nowadays, your career path is much more likely to be subject to changes and reformation – and no business sector or level of management can escape this trend. Sometimes the only option is to overcome these obstacles by striving to adapt to keep your job. When this is the case, many people feel that they’re falling behind in their professional life. Professional retraining or a significant career change isn’t seen in a favourable light when it’s compulsory – however, it’s not as damning as it seems. You can take the initiative to take part in retraining and take the future of your career into your own hands to rediscover your professional well-being.

Some pivotal moments in your career can bring about the opportunity to self-evaluate and take stock of your skills, your talents, your passions, your strengths and your weaknesses in order to visualise the future of your career in a calm, optimistic way. This could be, for example, a lull in your career without any opportunity for promotion or personal improvement, a desire to change your professional field or even a desire to start fresh after a professional failure. However, it’s all too often the case that those who are no longer satisfied in their job, for whatever reason, lose confidence in themselves and their own abilities. You’re no longer able to see where you stand in your career and feel uncomfortable at work. You may feel lost and not know what you truly want, what’s meaningful to you, and worse still, how to get yourself out of this rut. A change in your career, whether small or large, could allow you to (re)discover your talents and passions in order to thrive in your field, or to choose a new job.

A career coach can help you to get back on your feet, and it’s vital that you start by analysing the areas where you can improve. OrientaEuro’s Career Coaching is personalised, tailor-made to suit you. It will allow you to know yourself better and to rebuild your self-confidence and belief in your own skills and talents. It helps you focus on realistic goals, and even more importantly, to determine a plan of action to implement these goals. In fact, if you were to just change jobs without first taking these necessary steps towards a successful change in your career path, you would risk bringing your concerns and worries along with you and facing the same problems at your new job.

A career coach has the experience and expertise necessary to help you analyse your professional situation for yourself, and to identify your strengths, talents and skills. They will also allow you to define your new career plan while taking your own characteristics into account to combine your talents and passions. The result will be sustainable professional well-being.

Changing career is a dream for many, but with the help of a certified coach specialising in career reorientation, it can become a wonderful reality. Before you take the plunge, it’s essential to have a comprehensive and in-depth view of your situation to be able to prepare your plans to the best of your ability. Professional reorientation can be a varied and diverse process : you might retrain in another role, transition to another field, go back to studying or set up your own company. Without the help of a career coach, it may turn out to be too difficult to dare to leave a position you’re familiar with for a new adventure. Of course, deciding alone to make significant changes in your career isn’t easy, because there are various factors to take into account. For this reason, the advice and support of a career coach can be an invaluable resource.

If you’ve lost your motivation and passion for your current job, if it seems like your career prospects are going nowhere, if you want to face new challenges or want to turn a project close to your heart into a reality but you don’t know where to begin, don’t hesitate to contact OrientaEuro. Learn more >>