- Calls for proposals
- Exchanges of expertise, best practices
- Research
- Awareness-raising
- Career guidance and career coaching activities for various target groups
We have at our disposal a team of psychologists, career guidance counsellors and career coaches, certified through the methods of OrientaEuro Ltd. (UK) and Desarrollarme (Argentina) as well as professionals in education and the working world.
We have expertise in career guidance and career coaching methodology. Our experience in this area also includes the carrying out of guidance and coaching activities in workshops, online, and through individual sessions.
Communication and dissemination in relation to career guidance, career coaching, and career development are likewise part of our competences.[headline style=’3′]An international aspect[/headline]
Professional succes is a question of world-wide relevance. Along with OrientaEuro Ltd. (UK) and Desarrollarme (Argentine), OrientaEuro Belgium asbl takes an interest in international partnerships.
[headline style=’4′]Do you want to know more about us?[/headline]
Ville de Bruxelles/Stad Brussel
Project “Seniors and Youth”
Ateliers des Tanneurs
Accommodation and institutional contacts
Conferences and “Privilege” programme
CPAS Bruxelles/ Brussel OCMW
Project “Seniors and Youth”
Federatie Onafhenkelijke Senioren
Project “Seniors and Youth”
Senior Active
Project “Seniors and Youth”
Senioren centrum
Project “Seniors and Youth”
Reseau MAG
Project “Talents, Passions, Professions”
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
“Spur Your Studies in Brussels”
British School of Brussels
“Careers Day”