Entrepreneurs Coaching

✓ Put your talents to work (for your company and for yourself!)
✓ (Re)align your roles in your business to match your talents and passions
✓ Bring in, when needed, complementary strengths from partners and/or employees
✓ Transmit your passion and add unique value to your clients
✓ Achieve sustainable growth for your business

Enjoy making a living out of your talents and passions!

We’ve all heard the horror stories (yet still decide to start our own business): 25% of all start-ups fail in their first year, and less than half survive more than 4 years. First-time entrepreneurs are the worst off, but running a business of your own is always a risky venture.

The good news is that the main reasons they fail are well-documented – and avoidable thanks to our Personalised Entrepreneurs Coaching. We will help you make a living out of your talents, your passions and meaningful opportunities to add value to others.

Why Personalised Entrepreneurs Coaching?

A great idea is a great start – but it’s not enough. While your ability to make your ideas a reality is crucial, it is only with a profound self-awareness (knowing your strengths, weaknesses, talents, fears, uncertainties, resources, potential, goals, values, and priorities) and the right tools for analysing the external reality and making good decisions that you can achieve sustainable success and well-being as an entrepreneur. Our Personalised Entrepreneurs Coaching brings you clarity in these three spheres – your passions, talents, and meaningful opportunities to add value to others – and helps you find your sustainable professional well-being where they overlap.

The main focus of the coaching process will be the interdependence of your own well-being and success, as well as the success of your business. One does not happen without the other, which is why the action plan for the short-term, mid-term, and long-term perspective will be created by taking into account all relevant factors regarding you as a person and your business.

Our programmes

  • Self-coaching bookThe budget option (but still great!)

  • 39€49+VAT*

  • Career coaching sessions
  • Go Coach Yourself! 250-pages book
  • Digital version of the book
  • Self-coaching kitLet's go further

  • 79€160+VAT*

  • 30 min. by phone
    Career coaching sessions
  • Go Coach Yourself! 250-pages book
  • Digital version of the book
  • Most Popular
  • Self-coaching kit PlusAccelerate and deepen your coaching

  • 269€332+VAT*

  • 2 hours
    Career coaching sessions
  • Go Coach Yourself! 250-pages book
  • Digital version of the book
  • Personalised Career CoachingSee full details below

  • 959€1330+VAT*

  • 8 hours
    Career coaching sessions
  • Go Coach Yourself! 250-pages book
  • Digital version of the book

How does OrientaEuro's Personalised Entrepreneurs Coaching work?

You will benefit from a well-established methodology structured in 4 weekly individual sessions of 2 hours each, with some reflection exercises and fieldwork activities to be completed between sessions.

At the beginning of the first session, you and your coach will define a road-map for the coaching process to maximise results, customising the focus on the different stages to suit your unique situation:

Self-awareness: You will have a wide and clear inventory of your values, priorities, strengths, weaknesses, potential, talents and passions.

External reality: You will analyse different options and opportunities that line up with your profile and your previously identified objectives with a special focus on the interdependence of your personal success and well-being and the success of your business.

Decision making: You will acquire effective decision-making techniques by taking into account both the most suitable options and all relevant factors regarding you as a person, your personal life and your business, and you will define a realistic and effective action plan for the short-term, mid-term, and long-term.

Effective implementation: Fully equipped and motivated, with the necessary level of self-confidence, you will be ready to implement your action plan right away.


available locations in Flanders and Brussels
for your individual coaching sessions!

Also available online.

Or at your place in case of mobility problems.


8:00 – 21:00

9:00 – 13:00

In which languages?









Who we are?

We are a social enterprise living and breathing our mission: “Putting Talents and Passions to Work©“. This commitment begins within our team and resonates through the individuals we coach and the organizations we partner with.

Our vision is a society where everyone can work using their talents and passions, thus adding value to others while enjoying a high degree of professional and personal well-being.

Designing and implementing highly effective tailored coaching programs, we join forces with public institutions, small to medium enterprises, corporations, embassies, and associations. We aim to foster a seamless and mutually rewarding social-professional integration, igniting a chain reaction that positively impacts individuals, their families, communities, employers, colleagues, clients, and society.

people individually coached so far
professional coaches
coaching languages
  • Funded by the European Social Fund, the Flemish Government and the VDAB Brussels for the realization of our project “Trabajo en Bélgica / Trabalho na Bélgica” (job coaching for Brussels’ jobseekers with Latin American origin)

  • Mandated by the Flemish Government as a certified career center

  • Service provider in the framework of KMO-Portefeuille, certified by the Belgian Quality Association

  • Partners with Actiris for coaching Brussels’ jobseekers towards a satisfying job (“ARAE” and “50+”)

Trends/Tendances  Metro  VivaCité  RTBF  Classic21  Femmes d'Aujourd'hui

Let’s talk about your talents, passions and business (idea)!

Let’s devise together how we could help you put your talents and passions to work. For you, for your business, for the society…

Witte Patersstraat 4 Rue des Pères Blancs,
1040 Etterbeek (Brussels), Belgium

+32 2 808 72 71

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